There's Something About Severus

The Life and Death of Severus

Hello. So I've decided to make my very own ad-lib that shows just how similar Severus Snape is to Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. Just plug in all of the first options and then all of the second options in each space, and you can see how incredibly alike their stories are.

(1)_______ was a child, he was not treated well by many people. His peers bullied and pestered him and his parents (2)________ him. He was out casted by many, and the fact that he was a half-blood (3)_______ did nothing to help the way he felt about himself. Things turned around for him one day. When he was still young, he fell in love with a girl named (4)_______. She made him happy, and he felt like things were finally taking a turn. But as they both grew, they had a falling out, that was due mainly to (5)________ stubbornness. Needless to say, (4)_______ moved on and married (6)_______, a man who (1)_______ despised greatly. As he wallowed in self-pity, (1)_______ became bitter and coped by (7)_______. Time passed, and (4)_______ had a child with (6)_______. Unfortunately, fate was not kind to the couple, and death came upon them shortly after becoming parents. After the death of his dear (4)_______, (1)_______ fell even deeper into despair. In order to (8)_______, he (9)_______. In the end, he succeeds, but dies a sad, tortured man. He welcomes death, happy to once again be with his dear (4)_______.

(1) Severus or Heathcliff
(2) Neglected or abandoned
(3) Wizard or foreigner
(4) Lily or Cathy
(5) Severus’ or both of their
(6) James or Edgar
(7) becoming a Deatheater or being cruel to others
(8) Ease the guilt he feels over her death or keep her child near by
(9) vows to protect Lily’s son or attempts to marries Cathy’s daughter off to his own son

Genius in Casting!

Okay. Now I feel the need to address something: The choice of Alan Rickman as Severus Snape. I know I'm not the only one who is in complete and utter love with this casting choice. I believe that in every way, his voice, his piercing stare and his overall gloomy demeanor are completely Severus! He can snarl at his students in one scene and be a tortured soul the next. Mystery and misery positively surround the character that Rickman has created for the films. The LA Times have a website called HeroComplex, and they have an called Harry Potter: Alan Rickman Looks Back on Decade of Dark Magic. Apparently, Rickman needed to get into character before a shoot. When on set, even when not filming, he was cold and grumpy to those around him. Just a little tid bit I found interesting. Keep reading to hear more about Rickman's experience shooting the HP movies.

Anyway, I can't imagine anyone else as Snape. When I read the books, I picture a different Harry, a different Ron and a different Hermione, but I always picture Alan Rickman. He's perfect! Best casting choice ever! So let me know how you feel about the casting choices for the movies, whether they be positive or negative. Later!

The Life of Severus Snape

Alright. I was flouncing about on YouTube when I found this video. I find it beautiful! It makes you really feel for Snape. It highlights everything that is important about the person he was. And the person no one believed him to be.

The music is wonderful, the clips flow fantastically and the emotion is there. I think this gives a little insight into the Half-Blood Prince. I hope you enjoyed it.

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